Monthly Archives: December 2013

Menu for the week


Tacos (with meat, beans, cheese, salsa, corn tortillas, and sour cream)


Popcorn, toasted ham and cheese english muffins, sliced apples


Ham and Pasta dinner, green beans, applesauce


Cream of celery soup, homemade bread


Homemade Macaroni and cheese, salad


Indian chicken, rice, broccoli, pitas


Potato soup, bread, carrot sticks, cucumbers


Italian pasta bake, garlic bread, salad


Leftovers, popcorn….

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Filed under Bargain Dinners

Christmas Week





We had a game on Saturday, which took up most of our day! It was a lot of fun to watch! P1060965 P1060966 P1060967 P1060962 P1060963 P1060964

P1060968P. was so tired out!


Then we could move on to the rest of our week! We still had practice on Monday as well, as making it to the gym, but we spent most of the day getting ready for the rest of the week. I planned on baking, but instead spent a lot of time on laundry and cleaning. I was battling the plague of the fruit flies here and still, in spite of resorting to poison, have not conquered them.

P1060970 P1060969Tuesday night we had a Christmas eve meal of pizza, salad and wings with a fun White Elephant gift exchange.

P1060974 P1060977 P1060975It is always fun to have family together!

P1060982My beautiful, sleepy boys!

P1060985 P1060984 P1060993


They got a lot of legos for their gift! P1060996

P1060995L. was building a memory box for his stuff

We had a very relaxing morning, they got to eat breakfast, we cleaned, set off foggers and left. Everyone enjoyed opening their gifts that each person put a lot of work, thought and time into!

P1070016 P1070017 P1070020 P1070019 P1070018 P1070032 P1070031 P1070030 P1070029 P1070035 P1060998


P1060997Our snacks that vanished quicker this year!

P1070039 P1070038 P1070037Making dinner! Homemade raviolis, bread, and salad! It was amazing!

P1070043 P1070042 P1070041The next day we went sledding at my sisters house!

P1070040The spread of snacks!

P1070046 P1070047Some of the gleeful sledders!

P1070049My sister and babies

P1070055They had so much fun!

P1070057The beautiful view!

P1070060L. playing with more legos!



We went to my aunts to have a little Christmas party which was very nice! The kids had a blast, sledding again, eating food and playing games!

It is nice to have a down day and I am looking forward to getting back to school schedule next week!








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Filed under Daily Happenings, Homeschooling

School week #19

Since it is the week before Christmas we are doing school a little different.

Monday~ We read our books in the morning and read extra from Distant Thunder. I probably should have read The Christmas Surprise, before that!! They spent an hour on P.E. as well.

Then we headed out after math and language arts were finished to make raviolis for Christmas. This is usually an all day project, and it really was! P. has basketball practice in the evening and when we finally ended up at home, it was late.

Tuesday~ We read more George Washington’s world,  history about John Adams and then I pulled up 1776 to watch to cement some of the facts. That was fun! Science was supposed to be about flowers, but they are a little scarce right now!

P. had a two hour practice after 1 hour of exercise beforehand to warm up, so three hours of P.E today. He was tired out when he got home, but helped with more arm exercise for grinding the meat.

P1060943 P1060945 P1060944

It was a combined effort!

P1060946 P1060948The end results!

The freezer is full of many good things! I am not a meat eater, but thankful for the freezer full.

P1060949Hopefully it all is good!

Wednesday: We read Distant Thunder and several chapters in George Washington’s world. We did math, handwriting practice, Language arts, and I headed over to my friends for her birthday and a cup of tea. It was very nice to take a small break!

The boys had a job cleaning up someones yard before church, and P. spent most of the day at the table working on math!


We finished Distant Thunder today! The boys loved it! It was great for putting some of the things we were reading into a way they could understand. We are planing on watching Liberty Kids again as well for the same reason.

I am a little tired of reading George Washington’s world though!

P1060951 The boys were looking at real pictures that I took of the Liberty Bell and City Hall, etc. in Philadelphia when I visited a few years back.

P1060950Language Arts….

This day was incredibly busy with lots of things to do, but we had a basketball game for P. in the afternoon, and more after that to watch, so P. and I were there, while F. took the other boys to my nephews program to watch. I wanted to go see my nieces orchestra play, but not this time. The game was fun though!

P1060956 P1060955 P1060954 P1060953Yes, lots of fast movements going on down there!

Friday is another day, which I will update tomorrow!


We took a slow day today. P. had work this morning. H. started the day with a workout and then we did  a lot of science.

I reorganized my school books in a wooden crate that looks nicer to have in the living room and we moved onto math and sewing projects.


P1060958 P1060959 Sewing project for the day

P1060960 P1060961 Working on math and language arts pages

We also are watching a Dear America episode or two to get the feel for some history! I hope to do some baking later as well.

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Filed under Daily Happenings, Homeschooling, MFW

Last several weeks of school…..15, 16, 17 and 18

My camera has been down, so I have not been posting lately..It is working, but full of all sorts of pictures that I want to print. I have been busy and therefore not  been up on writing on here. I am sorry!

Here are a few that I had not posted though!

Yes, that is right. My life has been filled to the brim with basketball! I could tell you all sorts of things I have learned this year about basketball that I did not know before. I can even watch college ball and follow the game.

P1060920 P1060924 P1060925

5th/6th ball is over now.

We played in a tournament and won first place trophy and came close to getting second place as well with our other team.

P1060934The boys did a great job!


7th/8th graders played in a tournament and did really well. They were a little discouraged as there were some changes to the team, and some players did not show up to play, but the ones that did just really went out there and did their best. They had so much fun! I was impressed to see them laughing on the court, talking with the players from the other team and the kindness among the boys. They came close, and were about 4 points from moving on to play for a trophy, but were happy to go home too. They played well! H. really had fun playing and the joy on his face when the coach told everyone !I want to see you all catching rebounds like H.~ was very sweet to see.


He has had to work so hard at school this year, but there have been big improvements. We are making strides in all areas!

P1060932 One of our many little visitors we have had over the last few weeks. We have done several babysitting times…

P1060926I took L. on a date out to dinner….just him and I.

P1060930 He really enjoyed his meal to the fullest, Hot roast beef sandwich, mashed potatoes and cheesecake for dessert. P1060927He also loved reading the jokes and playing tic tac toe on the tables there. What a neat idea to do at a place to eat!

P1060931There was a lot of this kind of school going on as well, every morning! We have been reading along with MFW. P. has been working hard on algebra, history, humanities, writing, music and other subjects.

There had not been a read aloud scheduled for MFW in these last weeks, so we added one that has gone with the course so beautifully! We are reading Distant Thunder by Ruth Nulton Moore. They are loving it and it is sticking with them. You can read in a history book that the Hessians were forced to fight for the British, but when you make that person come alive, they really remember it. I highly recommend it. It really gives you a different view of from another angle of some of the heroes of the Revolutionary war.

We will be planning on doing some baking, shopping, lots of cleaning and catching up on household duties in the next couple of weeks. We will likely take some days off of school as well, but I do not like to get out of a routine.

Next post….there will be more pictures! Sometimes you get too busy with schoolwork and you forget to take pictures!

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Filed under Daily Happenings, Homeschooling, MFW